About Real Charlie Brown

Real Charlie Brown

I knew this statement was compelling, and it transforms my life forever. I went off to college to compete in basketball, football and work 20 hours per week while attending college. Sports and work occupied my life. 

 Even after working so hard, I felt something was missing, and I wasn’t sure what it was. In this pursuit, I transferred to multiple colleges. Yet, nothing changed. I started talking with different people, and they all told me the same thing, to
At that time, my only passion in life was playing sports and socializing (Mostly at bars on Friday and Saturday nights). I felt stuck in life.
When I became a young, ambitious working professional, I noticed many things started to change. 

I felt so much anxiety in my life about not being able to do what I want to on my terms, living paycheck to paycheck, not having enough time for family, not earning what I am worth.

I just felt sick with my life and confused about where to go. Nothing was going my way.

I again went into my thinking loop. I had big dreams and aspirations. The only thing I wanted was to retire my mom. So she never has to work another day in her life. I wanted to go out to eat whenever and not look at my mobile bank app to make sure I have the funds. 

Having so much income, I never have to worry about it, and I can spend my time doing things for and with those I care about the most.
I was in the entirely wrong direction. I had a big epiphany when I learned how my friend replaced a seven-figure income working a few hours per week. I start by asking if he would teach me even though I had no experience. He gave me access to everything he learned and all his resources to get started because I wanted to get rid of my boss and create something long-term for my family. I knew he was the answer to becoming successful in life. 
A piece of advice to everyone:

We make this big mistake; we hear something and mistake it for knowing it. We can only say we know something when we have genuinely applied whatever we have heard. Until that, we cannot say that we KNOW it. 

Since I was a kid, I saw my mom run her own company and work 3  jobs at a time just to make ends meet. Every month was a struggle to make a living.

It hurt me so bad to see my mother work so hard, and still struggle for a living. 
Even as a kid, I thought that there must be some other way to live life. A life where my mom could relax, enjoy life, and not have to worry about money or paying the bills. I used to get lost in these thoughts for hours.
 I remember sharing my big dreams with my Mom with tears rolling down my face, but she always told me everything would be alright.  I remember it like yesterday, right before I went off to college, my mom told me something that has been the North Star of my life and still is today. Her exact words were
“Charlie, if you want something in this world, you have to work hard to get it and find someone who has the results you want out of life.” 

Real Charlie Brown
Real Charlie Brown

I knew the only way I could make my dreams come true is by finding a mentor with the same core values who has the fruit on the tree and being ok with following. The light bulb came on when I became an entrepreneur and found an opportunity to control my life completely. 

It was a solution to what I needed. Entrepreneurship can help you to fulfill all your dreams, and most importantly, give you the time. I could create something one time that would continue to pay me, which would free up my time. 

Fast Forward today, and I am a successful entrepreneur and haven’t worked a traditional john in 24 months. I have achieved the dreams that I wanted to, but trust me, I am not finished because there are more lives to impact... 

What I am most passionate about today is mentoring young professionals. I consider it an honor & privilege to help people identify their passions & gifts and help them turn those into great opportunities.   

I have exclusively coached numerous individuals with the same technique and approach my mentor utilized with me.

Real Charlie Brown

 “If you want something in this world, you have to work hard to get it and find someone who has the results you want out of life.”  

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