Am I happy? Am I satisfied with what I am doing?

Have you ever asked these questions to yourself?

If not then do ask. If you have ever asked this then what was the answer. If you are satisfied and happy with your life then congratulations because you are one of the luckiest people in the world. If not, then there is a little problem but no need to worry as soon you are going to overcome this.

Everyone faces some problems in their lives. Virginia Satir once said,

Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem. 

In reality, most problems occur in our lives. Relationships, jobs or any other problems are actually our opportunities to experience, learn and excel in life. With respect to coping with life problems, one’s life can be divided into three categories.

Life in a comfort zone, life out of your comfort zone and coping the stress throughout your life. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Life in the comfort zone:

Living a routine life without any risk, aim or adventure can be termed as a comfort zone life. If you are not happy with your lifestyle, you are not living it but wasting it. Comfort does not necessarily mean happiness. If something that really makes you happy either it is inside or outside your comfort zone, take a step towards it, get it and experience it. Achieving goals and solving life problems make us happy. Most of the time, we know exactly what is our problem and what do we want but cannot do anything.  We are stuck in our comfort zone.  There can be many reasons for that i.e. people lack confidence that they cannot achieve their aims outside their comfort zone.

You need to understand that your comfort zone is disadvantageous for you most of the time. You cannot discover yourself, your strengths and your potential.  Your aims and goals need a life out of your comfort zone. Your success lies in your individuality and once you get used to your daily life, you start losing your creativity and opinions.  According to Shannon L. Alder,

Life always begins with one step outside of your comfort zone.

The purpose of life is to grow and learn not just getting old and if you will stay in your comfort zone, you cannot open doors to learning and your basic purpose of life is lost.

A few things you can do to come out of your comfort zones are:

  • Learn new skills
  • Meet new people and share their experiences.
  • Take advantage of every opportunity that may help you.
  • Change your wardrobe
  • Start reading new books and new paths to your office and home

Doing these little things will help you understand your real happiness. Your motivation for happiness will derive you to step out of your comfort zone and this will build your identity.

Life out of comfort zone:

Once you step out of your comfort zone, life actually starts which means you are ready to face the world. You must be fearless when entering this phase as this is your path to success and your fearlessness and courage will lead you to this path. Be confident that you will find your way to happiness and contentment and step out of the comfort zone. The following steps help you to achieve your goals once you step out of your comfort zones.

Set your goals:

You must decide why you have stepped out of your comfort zone. Changing your lifestyle without any goal is useless. Setting your goal gives a purpose to your life.  Remember

Great goals make great people. People cannot hit what they do not aim for

Roy Bennett

Be ready for an unusual life:

You must know that not everyone has the ability to step out of your comfort zone. If you are able enough to step out, your life will also be different. You must be ready to face challenges and changes in your life at any time. You must spend some time with risk-takers for encouragement. You also need to identify safe methods to tackle problems and solve them. No need to take big decisions. Just take little steps and remember that slow and steady wins the race.

Be optimistic and responsible:

You must learn how the change of stepping out of your comfort zone will help you. Stay positive and each and every risk and chance of failure as your experience. Just remember that

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.

Victor Hugo

You must be responsible for your decisions and actions. In case of failure, you must understand that you are just a beginner so be serious but not too serious. Focus on the problem but never ever ignore the fun and excitement in your life.

Achieving your dreams when you become practical and leave your comfort zone is a way to your happiness. You become a person with a unique identity in a world of common people. Still, there are a few issues both in and out of our comfort zones, which depress and stress us and coping with them becomes a very serious issue and they also need to be sorted.

Dealing with the stress in your life:

Your life problems out of your comfort zone may stress you out. Even when you are living in your comfort zone, you may suffer from stress. Reducing stress is vital for increasing happiness in your life. The following are a few tips that may help you with stress management.

Find yourself a coach or mentor:

A mentor is one who can help and guide you in solving a problem and reaching your destination. Many times in life e.g. when you want to want to achieve a goal or solve a problem, you don’t know what to do and how to do it. That’s when a mentor is needed. A mentor is usually the one who is in a position, you want to attain so whenever you feel that you cannot do everything on your own, find yourself a coach or a mentor. You must exchange experiences with each other and listen to your mentor’s suggestions and criticism. They will be a great help to you in coping with your everyday problems.

Spend some time with yourself:

Personal space and time matter a lot in our life. For relieving stress, a short break from daily life activities is necessary. You can meditate or exercise to focus yourself, read a book to increase your knowledge or any other hobby or a simple conversation with your friends about finding a solution to problems. A human being, like a machine, also needs recharging and breaks for fresh starts. It is beneficial for them.

Life is full of problems. It is up to us what to do with them. Either we can ignore them, become used to them or face them. Avoiding them is not a permanent solution. They may give rise to even a bigger problem, so it is good to face them and make yourself strong by stepping out of your comfort zone.

Happiness is not the absence of problems, it’s the ability to deal with them.

Steve Maraboli

So face them and make your own identity and achieve your goals. You will surely live your life, an admirable, well-spent life by achieving your aims and having your own identity.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this blog, and I’m sure that you will apply what you have read and will be successful in coping with your everyday problem.

Now that you have learned about coping everyday problems, check out this blog on how you can be positive by knowing the benefits of positive self-talk.

Also, check out my vlogs about this on my Youtube channel by clicking here.

Real Charlie Brown
Real Charlie Brown

Athlete to entrepreneur: Navigate the new playbook with me. Share your insights, and together, let's chase that next win.

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